Shah Rukh Khan and Honey Singh to collaborate?
After Shah Rukh Khan and Honey Singh finally buried the hatchet this year, fans have been waiting to see the duo together again after the raving success of ‘Lungi Dance’ in 2013. And if latest rumors are to be believed Honey Singh is in talks with SRK for a song in the actor's upcoming film 'Raees'. The two were reportedly embroiled in a brawl and there were whispers that the superstar had slapped Honey during the Slam Tour and asked him to leave the show. However, SRK and Honey’s wife, Shalini had denied the reports vehemently. The rapper then mysteriously disappeared after the Slam Tour and the reason for the same was said to be his illness. But the singer is now back in business. He even made his first public appearance at Mirchi Music Awards this year and if the collaboration for 'Raees' indeed happens, the song will surely be a chartbuster.
Shah Rukh Khan and Honey Singh to collaborate?